our projects

Solving your most difficult challenges with quality and excellence.

Arkansas Equipment Manufacturing Case Study

Project Details

Client Arkansas Equipment Manufacturing
Date May 2016

Project Description

Arkansas Manufacturing Equipment didn’t start looking for a new panel shop until their old shop closed down. As a manufacturer of large scale, high quality commercial baking ovens, Arkansas Manufacturing Equipment needed a custom panel builder who could handle strict safety requirements with careful quality control.

The Solution

PanelShop.com worked with Arkansas Manufacturing Equipment through responsive collaboration. Arkansas Manufacturing Equipment supplied a description of what needed to work and a budget; PanelShop.com designed 90% of the final product. Both companies then collaborated on the remaining 10% in an Engineering Review to ensure safe circuit design for the sensitive natural gas involved in the ovens.

The Results

Arkansas Manufacturing Equipment received a highly engineered final product that synthesized their industry’s unique safety concerns with PanelShop.com’s expertise in both panel building and programming. PanelShop.com improved upon Arkansas Manufacturing Equipment’s previous electrical controls by switching from hardcoded programming to a responsive HMI, making it easier for Arkansas Manufacturing Equipment to fine-tune the ovens for end-users. This innovative collaboration reduces on-site commissioning drastically, saving Arkansas Manufacturing Equipment 20% in cost savings for all future projects.

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